Okra Can Treat Diabetes, Asthma, Cholesterol and Kidney Disease – Recipe

This miraculous vegetable is native to north-east Africa. It is known to be able to provide numerous health benefits, and can be of significant help in the treatments of kidney diseases, asthma, diabetes, and cholesterol!
Okra is incredibly high in nutrients. 1 cup has 21 milligrams of vitamin C, 2 grams of protein, 60 mg of magnesium,  299 mg of potassium, 3 grams of dietary fiber, 33 calories, 7.6 grams of carbohydrates, about 80 micrograms of folic acid, and 0.2 gram of fat.

You can eat the entire okra plant, but you can also consume its leaves raw in salads, or cooked in the same way you cook dandelions and beets. These are some of the most important health benefits of this amazing vegetable:
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Alleviates asthma
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Reduces glucose absorbed from food
  • Prevents kidney disease
If you suffer from some of these conditions and want to use the medicinal properties of okra, you can prepare it like this:
Cut the ends of two fresh okras, and place several slices in a glass full of water. Leave the slices to soak during the night.
Drink the liquid in the morning, 30 minutes before your breakfast.
source: healthybodyandtips.com

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